When You have got admission at the German university and course of your choice in Germany. Now you are all set to travel abroad to Germany for your studies. You need to have certain qualities that will help you harmonize with the new culture, new place, and new surroundings. Several factors will influence you such as university, organization, food preparation, bureaucracy, accommodation, and travel. The quicker you adapt to them, the better you will feel dealing with the new stumbling situations abroad. This includes information on the following topics:

Where in Germany Will You Live

Germany is a huge country consisting of 16 federal states. Each federal state has its atmosphere, job opportunities, salary size, behaviors, culture, traditional food, holidays, etc. Firstly, understand what your priorities are. What do you want to get from the place you choose to live in? After working that out, start to research different parts of the country or the specific city want to move to.

Being Independent

Your family won’t be available to help you there with your daily chores other than being available on video calls. So be prepared to face and deal with the situation. It’s not difficult either. Just make up your mind and try to be independent at home a few months before you start.


At first Indian food won’t be available and second whatever you want to eat you need to cook all by yourself. So get some tips from home and learn some quick meal recipes to do yourself a favor. It will spare you from eating junk food and you will not have to spend a lot of money at restaurants or buying ready meals.


Before the processing of papers starts there is some particular amount of money that is required to be put in the blocked account, for you to meet any contingencies in the foreign land, but most people tend to take that out once the formalities are over. So, we advise you to keep some funds to be self-sufficient. Additionally, students can search for part-time jobs to support their money requirements and not depend upon others for it.

Mentally Strong

It has been rightly said that “The strength of your mind determines the quality of your life.” To study and enjoy equally there you need to be mentally strong. You may need to travel alone many times, work part-time, cook, visit a physician when ill or do any other task without anyone at your side, so be prepared to do everything alone and yet take care of yourself. Training your mind to be stronger than emotions will keep you cheerful always.

Dealing with the Language

In Germany, Germans speak German most of them also speak English. Moving to a more international city (like Berlin) can give you some more options to speak in different languages – Russian, Turkish, French, Vietnamese, and so on. Speaking German is very important for finding a job, getting different documents, dealing with government institutions, and in general for making the most of life in Germany.

Finding Accommodation

Finding a place to live in Germany is hard work, It not being easy and takes time and effort. German landlords tend to ask for 3 months of salary statements, they seem to favor married couples. In Germany’s cities, it is hard to find a flat because of high demand and increased prices. To rent an apartment officially, you need to have a bank account, but to open a bank account – you need to prove your registration (your actual address in Germany). This is a very serious factor to think about before moving to Germany.

Transport in Germany

Germany is well known for having an excellent public transport system and some of the best roads in Europe. The roads in Germany are built for all kinds of transport and you can get everywhere from anywhere. The public transport isn’t cheap, but it is clean, mostly runs on time and very frequently.

Bicycles are something that Germans love a lot too. It is a cheap, healthy, and nature-friendly mode of transport. Cities in Germany are very bicycle-friendly – almost all roads have a specially designed lane for bikes. And, when moving to Germany, the bicycle is also the best and the cheapest way to get to know your surroundings.

Rules in Germany

Germans have written and unwritten laws that you will only learn with time after you’ve moved here. It’s impossible to tell you everything now.

Germany is also very pro-recycling, sometimes it can also go so far that you or your children could be criticized for putting things in the wrong recycling bins. Eco-friendly habits here are a lifestyle.

And one more very important thing – don’t be late! Germans are good planners and generally do not appreciate someone being late.

The German Culture

Like every nation, Germany has a specific culture and at first parts of their culture might feel strange to you, but that could be said about any culture.

They love to talk, so be prepared to brush up on your political or philosophical knowledge. It is also totally normal to start talking to someone you don’t know.

Money in Germany

Germany, like many other European countries, uses the Euro. Whilst many Western countries are becoming cashless societies, the Germans aren’t rushing into it. They like cash and in many restaurants, small shops, bars, and clubs paying with cash is the norm.


The above points have been carefully thought about and written for the students who have to travel to Germany for study or work. I hope this list of things to know before moving to Germany has helped you understand some of the challenges around moving to Germany a little bit better.

If you are also planning to study in Germany, contact our expert mentors of Yourpedia. you can also take online sessions through our website. Our expert mentors will provide the best guidance and support for the admission in abroad. Yourpedia mentors also help to reduce the financial burden of students for study abroad.


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