It’s true that we cannot cram in GRE exam as the exam is test of certain patterns and not facts, so if you really want to score high in GRE, you need to have good time for practice; its not a one day task. The question that pops up in the mind of student is how long I need to dedicate myself to prepare for GRE?
The ideal time that you need to spent depends on number of factors and all those matter the most while your preparation in GRE exam. These comprise of your target score, what are your current skills, how much time are you ready to give for your GRE preparation every day, the learning mode you are going to follow and what about your learning speed. Let us take an instance, if you are able to devote 3-4 hours every day and concentrating on tricks in proper manner, it won’t take you more than a month. On the other hand if your skills are weak, and you’re grasping power is low, it will take you more time. We as mentors suggest you to streamline your preparation between 4-12 weeks to GRE preparation.
1. According to you what is GOOD GRE SCORE?
The term “good score” is quite subjective as it completely depends on programs and universities you are going to apply for, also it depends on the score of your competitors. So here is the rough estimate of cut offs of top ten schools in US.
a. Massachusetts institute of technology — 325
b. Stanford university — 327
c. University of Berkley — 323
d. California institute of technology — 328
e. University of Michigan — 321
f. Carnegie Mellon university — 323
g. Purdue university — 320
h. Georgia institute of technology — 320
i. University of Illinois — 327
j. University of southern California — 317
So as we can see, average requirement of 320 is there, so anything above 320 is considered a good score. And you need to strategies your preparation in that manner where you are able to score above 320.
2. How much time is required to achieve minimum 320 in GRE:
While mentoring in YourPedia Global since long, we as mentors have well observed that activities of students, and anywhere between 4 weeks- 12 weeks is a good time. Many number of students have scored 320+ by just a month of regular practice. Just dedicate yourself completely for 1.5 hour each to quant and verbal. It may sound a lot to you if you are a working professional but trust me its equivalent to a web series which you might watch in your daily routine.
Talking about quant first- which comprises of 6 main hot topics: arithmetic, geometry, data interpretation, data analysis and applied maths. Though as per our research geometry and arithmetic were the main targeted areas of our 320+ score achievers. So plan your topics in the manner to score high and achieve your targeted score.
On the other hand talking about VERBAL section: a good time was spent on Reading comprehension as it comprises of half of total questions being asked in examination. And the most important are the high frequency words which is the ultimate score guide in GRE verbal. 800 words are the most important ones, and roughly dividing to taking a look on 50 words everyday in an extensive manner and later using those words in everyday conversation helps to memories them better.
3. Prepare a proper study plan:
Go and take the test first to check your current scenario, your strengths and weaknesses and plan your targeted areas accordingly. The mock test also called as diagnostic test is the need and must be taken without any prior preparation. That is going to be your true guide and that’s how you will be able to stack against your peers.
YourPedia Global mentors help you in your preparation by providing you a customized study plan, as strategizing is much more important and following it to have a benchmark in your GRE examination.
4. How to prepare yourself for GRE?
As per our findings, students do spend more time on verbal than on quant section, and the most important thing is your extreme patience is needed in building up your vocabulary section, so decent mastery is needed to score high in GRE exam, which you can learn through tips and tricks provided on YourPedia Global panel.
The basic principal is not to cram all the words given in Manhattan word list, which is a lot more, approximately near to 3500, all that is not needed. To score 160+ in verbal, 800 words or so are the most important and targeted ones that is what you need to remember. And there are various tricks, through mnemonics, learning and applying technique (by implying those words in your everyday routine), visual learning through flash cards and lastly root word technique. All these are available on YourPedia Global platform and depends on the ability of student through which he finds it comfortable.
We hope that this article has helped you in a purposeful manner and if you have any doubts you can contact our team, wishing you all the best for your preparation journey for graduate school ahead !! best wishes!!